Table of contents
  1. Saas To SH Migrations and New Project Creation
    1. Customer Options for Saas To SH Migration
      1. Option 1: Odoo Managed Project
      2. Option 1A: The PSUS Technical Team can migrate an Odoo Online(Saas) database to, the customer must agree to all the conditions listed in option 1 as well as:
      3. Option 1B: The PSUS Technical Team will create a completely New SH project without a Odoo Online(Saas) database Migration, the customer must agree to all the conditions listed under Option 1.
      4. Option 2 : Self Managed Project
    2. Saas to SH Migration Steps
      1. Option 1A: Saas To SH migration(Odoo Managed)
      2. Option 1B: New SH Project Creation(Odoo Managed)
      3. Option 2: Saas To SH migration(Customer Managed)
    3. Existing SH to a new SH project steps
      1. Option 1: Customer Owned SH to PSUS Owned SH
      2. Option 2: Customer Owned SH to New Customer Owned SH with Custom Modules
      3. Option 3: Customer Owned SH to New Customer Owned SH without Custom Modules
    4. Creating an Odoo-managed SH Project
    5. Migrating Imported Modules

Saas To SH Migrations and New Project Creation

Customer Options for Saas To SH Migration

The customer has three options if they want us to do a migration from Saas to SH platform.

Option 1: Odoo Managed Project

There are two sub options you will be choosing from:

Option 1A: The PSUS Technical Team can migrate an Odoo Online(Saas) database to, the customer must agree to all the conditions listed in option 1 as well as:

  • Be on an Odoo LTS Version

Option 1B: The PSUS Technical Team will create a completely New SH project without a Odoo Online(Saas) database Migration, the customer must agree to all the conditions listed under Option 1.

But regardless of which option you pick from this category, you will be subjected to the following:

  • Project will be hosted under the ownership of the Odoo PS (Odoo Professional Services) team’s Github repository
  • Customer will NOT have access to the SH project and Github Repository
  • To receive access to the SH project (not github), Odoo technical training must be taken and completed
  • PSUS Technical Team will maintain all aspects of the project and repository
  • Third Party Apps can NOT be installed aside from the following ecommerce apps:
    • Shopify/Woocommerce/Magento connectors
    • No enhancements will be accepted to these 3PAs. Customers would need to use them as it is.
  • If a desired third party app is not included above, to be installed, a code review must be conducted with success pack hours and maintenance will be charged per line of code
    • Odoo / Development Services Team reserve the right to refuse to install and maintain this third party app if:
      • It requires unsupported packages (python or system) to be installed
      • There is an unreasonable amount of code or unused code -It does not meet Odoo’s coding standards and guidelines

Option 2 : Self Managed Project

The PSUS Technical Team can Migrate the database from Odoo Online(Saas) to SH but the customer needs to:

  • Be on an Odoo LTS Version
  • Create the SH Project and Github Repository themselves
  • Provide the Odoo Online(Saas) database URL and the new SH project database URL
  • Understand the PSUS Technical Team will be hands-off for everything else (no assistance with 3PA installs, no assistance with creating/managing github, etc.)
  • Custom developments will not be done by PSUS Team

Saas to SH Migration Steps

Option 1A: Saas To SH migration(Odoo Managed)

  1. Find the user’s Subscription in the Subscription App and take a screenshot of the price
    1. If there are any automatic entries, the total might change, we need a snapshot before that happens
  2. Use the email linked to the subscription, impersonate them, go to
    1. Go to in incognito mode or a different browser. Using the email linked to the subscription (Subscription -> Customer- > Email) login with the password: <trigram/your_password> to impersonate the user.
  3. Navigate to Profile -> My Databases and download the database from the gear dropdown icon and make sure the zip file extracts (i.e, it’s not corrupted).
  4. Rename the database to something else
    1. eg: <existing-name>-movetosh
    2. This will free up the domain name in about 15 to 20 mins.
  5. In the customer’s Odoo Subscription, disable the database for the subscription
    1. Cindey has the access to disable a database, so message her with the link to DB.
    2. If she is not available, ask Jigar to disable it.
    3. Then check that the subscription is not linked to any database (stat button on subscription for database should have zero).
  6. Set up branches in SH (production, sandbox and dev-staging).
    1. If the SH project is being created for the first time, follow this
  7. In the SH project make sure to drag drop the production branch to the Production stage.
  8. Navigate to the BACKUPS tab of the production branch and upload the downloaded database using the import database button.
  9. Rename SH database to target name (that was freed up by the Saas DB earlier) in project settings. Try to open SH production, this may show PSOD, but wait for some time for DNS cache to update.
  10. Run Scheduled Action Id=3 (or whatever looks like the subscription server ping. Click on any scheduled action and change the id in the url to 3.)
  11. Go to Subscriptions and verify that the user’s subscription is linked to one database.

Option 1B: New SH Project Creation(Odoo Managed)

  1. Set up branches in SH (production, sandbox and dev-staging).
    1. If the SH project is being created for the first time, follow this
  2. In the SH project make sure to drag drop the production branch to the Production stage.
  3. Run Scheduled Action Id=3 (or whatever looks like the subscription server ping. Click on any scheduled action and change the id in the url to 3.)
  4. Go to Subscriptions and verify that the user’s subscription is linked to one database.

Option 2: Saas To SH migration(Customer Managed)

  1. Find the user’s Subscription in the Subscription App and take a screenshot of the price
    1. If there are any automatic entries, the total might change, we need a snapshot before that happens
  2. Use the email linked to the subscription, impersonate them, go to
    1. Go to in incognito mode or a different browser. Using the email linked to the subscription (Subscription -> Customer- > Email) login with the password: <trigram/your_password> to impersonate the user.
  3. Navigate to Profile -> My Databases and download the database from the gear dropdown icon and make sure the zip file extracts (i.e, it’s not corrupted).
  4. Rename the database to something else
    1. eg: <existing-name>-movetosh
    2. This will free up the domain name in about 15 to 20 mins.
  5. In the customer’s Odoo Subscription, disable the database for the subscription
    1. Cindey has the access to disable a database, so message her with the link to DB.
    2. If she is not available, ask Jigar to disable it.
    3. Then check that the subscription is not linked to any database (stat button on subscription for database should have zero).
  6. Navigate to the BACKUPS tab of the production branch and upload the downloaded database using the import database button.
  7. Rename SH database to target name (that was freed up by the Saas DB earlier) in project settings. Try to open SH production, this may show PSOD, but wait for some time for DNS cache to update.
  8. Run Scheduled Action Id=3 (or whatever looks like the subscription server ping. Click on any scheduled action and change the id in the url to 3.)
  9. Go to Subscriptions and verify that the user’s subscription is linked to one database.

Existing SH to a new SH project steps

This can happen if the customer needs to move from one SH(github) to another SH(new github) with the same subscription.

Option 1: Customer Owned SH to PSUS Owned SH

  1. Ask the customer to agree to the following:
    - Customer will NOT have access to the SH project and Github Repository
    - PSUS Technical Team will maintain all aspects of the project and repository
    - Third Party Apps can NOT be installed aside from the following ecommerce apps:
      - Shopify/Woocommerce/Magento connectors
  2. Ask the customer to transfer their github repository to cic-odoo
    1. Have them follow these instructions
  3. Tell CIC to be on the lookout for a repo transfer
  4. Afterwards, [CIC] will do the following steps
    1. Check if there is Custom code
      1. If yes does the customer want to:
        1. Have PSUS maintain it?
          1. Get the code reviewed first
        2. Remove the code
          1. Have the customer test the removal/uninstall first in their staging.
          2. Then remove the code if they approve
      2. If no, no action needed
    2. Accept transfer
    3. Remove any customer collaborators on the github repo
    4. Transfer the repo to odoo-ps
    5. Rename the repo to psus-<customer-name>

Option 2: Customer Owned SH to New Customer Owned SH with Custom Modules

  1. Ask for the new github repo link (customer must create this)
  2. Ask for collaborator access to the new github repo
    1. Give them this link if they are unsure how to do so
  3. Schedule downtime to do the transfer
    1. This is important since we will be taking a backup and restoring it to a new SH project
      1. We will need to delete the old project to reuse the Subscription Code(M code)
    2. Ideally on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday outside their business hours
      1. Do NOT schedule it on Friday, avoid thursday if possible
    3. Remind the customer they will need to stop working in their database during the downtime
  4. At the scheduled time, Zip the modules in src/user
  5. Download the zip
  6. Create a Production branch if there is none in the New github repo(You should have collaborator access at this point)
  7. Unzip the code locally and push to the Production Branch
  8. Take a backup of the database, download the dump locally
  9. In the customer’s Odoo Subscription, disable the database for the subscription
    1. Cindey has the access to disable a database, so message her with the link to DB.
    2. If she is not available, ask Jigar to disable it.
    3. Then check that the subscription is not linked to any database (stat button on subscription for database should have zero).
  10. Delete the old SH project
  11. This will free up the Subscription Code
  12. Create a new SH project with the new github repo
    1. Make sure the version is the same as the old SH project
    2. Use the Subscription code(should be free now)
  13. Move Production branch up to Production section
  14. Navigate to the BACKUPS tab of the production branch and upload the downloaded database using the import database button.
  15. Rename SH database to target name (that was freed up by the Saas DB earlier) in project settings. Try to open SH production, this may show PSOD, but wait for some time for DNS cache to update.
  16. Run Scheduled Action Id=3 (or whatever looks like the subscription server ping. Click on any scheduled action and change the id in the url to 3.)
  17. Go to Subscriptions and verify that the user’s subscription is linked to one database.

Option 3: Customer Owned SH to New Customer Owned SH without Custom Modules


Creating an Odoo-managed SH Project

  • Never create the git repo from the SH project creation screen, always prepare it beforehand and then use “link to existing repo”
  1. Create a new repository named psus-companyname owned by odoo-ps (if you don’t have access, talk to Jigar).
    1. Use this template to create a new repository.
  2. Go to Settings/Collaborators/Add Team and add PSUS (odoo-ps/psus), give them “admin” access.
  3. Add the BSA only to the sh-project(customer should not have access to either SH or Github)

Migrating Imported Modules

  1. Check if customer has custom developments done for them on Saas
  2. If so, they should have a branch here or a repo here
  3. These devs should be moved to the customer’s new repo
  4. In ir_module_module, these modules will need to be marked as non-imported modules, so they will be properly updated in the future