How to transfer branch to customer (SaaS)
How to transfer repo to customer (SH)

Transfer branch from ps-custom to new psus-custom

  1. Create a copy of ps-custom in folder ps-custom_bis
    git clone ps-custom_bis 
  2. Go into this folder
    cd ps-custom_bis
  3. Checkout the branch you want to copy
    git checkout <branch_to_copy>
  4. Change the remote url to your new repo
    git remote set-url origin<new_repo>.git
  5. Push the branch on your new repo
    git push

    You can also change the name of the branch transferred

  6. Checkout the branch transferred
    git checkout <branch_transferred>
  7. Change name locally to for example 12.0-module_saas_backup
    git branch -m <new_name>
  8. Set new upstream
    git push origin -u <new_name>
  9. Delete old name remote branch:
    git push origin --delete <old_name>

After that you can delete the folder ps-custom_bis from your computer.
You now have previous dev with historic on the new repository.